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Nigeria’s top political class pay glowing tributes to late Sam Nda-Isaiah

He stuttered, but never a clutter in Sam’s words, By Louis Odion

Tributes, eulogies are pouring in following the death of Mr Sam Nda-Isaiah, the renowned publisher of Leadership newspapers.

Nda-Isaiah died on Friday due to COVID-19 complications. He was aged 58.


In a condolence message to his family, the Northern Governors’ Forum (NGF) described the late journalist as a visionary man who believed in the unity, peace and progress of Nigeria.

According to them, Nda-Isaiah used his writing and contributions to call for a strong democratic culture.

Also, Osun State Governor Gboyega Oyetola hailed the late publisher’s contributions to the growth of journalism in the country.

Oyetola said that his demise had created a big vacuum in the media industry. The governor recalled his role in the formation of the All Progressives Congress (APC).


President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan also commiserated with the Nda-Isaiah family, Nigerian newspaper industry and friends of the deceased.

Lawan prayed for sweet repose of his soul and for comfort for his loved ones in this period of their grief and after.

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