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NPS denies starving Evans, says he eats three meals daily


The Nigerian Prisons Service, NPS on Saturday denies maltreating notorious kidnap kingpin, Chukwudidumeme Onwuamadike, popularly known as Evans.

The spokesperson for the NPS in Lagos, Rotimi Oladokun, said this on Saturday while reacting to Evans’ allegation that he was being starved in prison.


Evans, who is facing charges bordering on kidnapping before a Lagos State High Court in Ikeja, also alleged through his counsel, that he was not allowed to have a bath.

However, Oladokun, in an interview with our correspondent, debunked the allegations.

He claimed that Evans was given three meals daily like other inmates.

Oladokun said, “It was misinformation on his part. He has always been treated like any normal prisoner. He is well fed and well taken care of with all the amenities provided (for him).


He has access to medical facilities and everything. He is being treated properly. It is not true that he was not given food for five days. Every inmate is entitled to three square meals daily.”

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