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Obasanjo worse than Abacha – Oshiohmole

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The National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, has said that former President Olusegun Obasanjo does not have the moral right to classify anyone as a dictator because he exhibited the highest form of dictatorship while occupying the seat of the president. Speaking yesterday in an interview on Channels Television, the APC national chairman said Obasanjo’s dictatorial credential is worse compared to that of late military Head of State, General Sani Abacha.


He said: “Obasanjo cannot look at me in the eyes and call anyone else a dictator because he was the worst dictator in the history of Nigeria; he was worse than Abacha.

How many people disappeared under Abacha’s watch compared to the number of Nigerians, who disappeared under Obasanjo’s watch, including his Attorney General? “Even if we reduce it to family values, the Nigerian culture, the incident between him and his son over who is the actual father of the children, he cannot sermonize about morality.


The problem I have is that in Nigeria people want to eat their cake and have it.” While stating that the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, is pursuing a capitalist agenda of the International Monetary Fund, Oshiomhole alleged that the former vice president will sell the Nigerian National Petro-leum Corporation (NNPC) to western powers since no Nigerian can afford to purchase the corporation.

“When you hear Atiku say ‘I will privatise NNPC even if they will kill me’, I don’t even know why he needed to add that one. Who will kill him? He is not speaking to you because you don’t have money to buy NNPC. I don’t know how many Nigerians have the money to buy NNPC. “He is speaking to his western audience. When he says he will float the naira, you know whose language, whose values his parroting. Those are IMF agenda. He wants to float the naira.

“So, if in Atiku’s word, floating the dollar means $1 to N1,000, so be it. You think he doesn’t know what he is talking? Of course, there are countries which, if they have their way, they want Nigeria to remain perpetually under-developed,” he said. Speaking on activities of Boko Haram, he said that the sect started under the PDP and that the terrorists hoisted flags in some local governments in the North-East, adding that the situation is not the same under Buhari because Boko Haram is not holding down any local government. “A lot has been achieved under this government as it concerns insecurity; the situation is not the same as it was four years ago,” he said.

Noting that the APC government is working on sustainable growth and investment through massive investment in infrastructure, Oshiomhole said poor Nigerians have seen an honest leader in Buhari and they would re-elect him again.


Fielding questions on the criticisms of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union following the removal of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen, the APC chairman said western powers must respect Nigeria’s sovereignty.

His words: “When you begin to hear foreign countries going beyond their bounds to more or less interfere because right now the Americans are talking about Russian interference in the American election.


“It is the subject of investigation as we speak. So, no country will tolerate interference. But that you provide technical assistance that you help to monitor and ensure that you assist countries to strengthen democracy is fine but don’t let it get to a level of interference.”


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