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Obasogie of Benin is dead

Obasogie of Benin is dead

The Obasogie of Benin Chief Eduwu Ekhator has passed on.

Ekhator was the immediate past Chairman, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Edo State.

Although details about his death remained sketchy as of press time,


Reacting to the news, Edo State Governor Godwin Obaseki who confirmed his death in a tweet on Monday, described him as a nobleman who was a great asset to the Benin Kingdom.

He wrote: “I received the news of the death of the Obasogie of Benin, Chief Eduwu Ekhator with a heavy heart.


“Chief Ekhator was a nobleman, with a good heart. He was amiable and peaceful, which mark him out as a great asset of the Benin Kingdom. He will be greatly missed.”

Obasogie, in the old Benin Kingdom, was a warrior who defended the kingdom against external invasion. He gallantly resisted the British from invading Benin Kingdom during the punitive expedition.


He was also a black blacksmith and sculptor. Most of his designs and works can be found in and around the city.

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