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Pastor Bakare narrates vision God showed him for Nigeria

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Pastor Tunde Bakare of the Latter Rain Assembly on Sunday in his state of the nation broadcast with the theme “Resetting Nigeria on the Path of Predictable Progress” narrated a vision God showed him for the nation.


TheNewsGuru (TNG) reports Pastor Bakare in the concluding part of the broadcast said God showed him a vision for Nigeria overnight on Wednesday, September 18, 2019, and that he saw a rainbow across Nigeria with the word “RESET” written boldly across the land.

“As I conclude, let me challenge the church to awaken to its responsibility as a watchman over the nation. National security strategies are incomplete without the spiritual role of the watchman.


“In the words of Reverend Father George Ehusani: “Nigerian Christians…cannot sit idly and complain endlessly about the deplorable state of affairs in our country.

“We must get into action in whatever way is open to us, and ignite our Christian candle to fight back the forces of darkness and decay, whether as responsible parents or respectful children, devoted teachers or diligent students, God-fearing doctors or dedicated nurses, dutiful administrators or faithful labourers.


“If a sufficient number of Christians lit their candles in this way, then we can be sure that dying Nigeria shall rise again to greatness, by the power of God who raised Jesus Christ from the dead.”

Saints of the Most High God, we can respond to this compelling call backed by the knowing that God’s set time to favour Nigeria is here.


“Overnight on Wednesday, September 18, 2019, God showed me a vision for Nigeria. I saw a rainbow across Nigeria with the word “RESET” written boldly across the land. I knew at once that the time to reset Nigeria on the path of predictable progress is here.

“In computer terminology, to reset means “to turn a piece of computer equipment off and then on again when it does not work correctly, to make it start working correctly again.”


“The rainbow was the symbol of a covenant with Noah, which God placed in the sky after He had shut down the earth by sending the flood that destroyed it from its foundations. It is time to return to the foundations of our nation – foundations which were laid by our founding fathers, but which are now devastated. It is time to rebuild.

It is time to reset.


“As it was in the days of Nehemiah, when each group built the aspect of the wall within its jurisdiction, the rebuilding has to be done zone by zone in line with our foundational governance paradigm of true federalism. Hence, the resetting will require revisiting the federal governance architecture. I am reminded of the pre-2019 election admonitions of Elder Statesman and former Commonwealth Secretary-General, Chief Emeka Anyaoku:

“…judged by all the relevant indices, Nigeria today is clearly underperforming and lacking national cohesion as never before. If our country is to succeed on the road to political stability and realisation of its rich development potential, it must, by restructuring its present governance architecture. It must return to the true federalism that it practiced in the years before the military intervened in our national politics.”


“Fellow Nigerians, upon the foundation of a restructured Nigeria, we can forge a new nation, one of diverse peoples, bound together in unity like the colours of a rainbow, beaming light to the world, working in collaboration, not in conflict, with the rest of Africa, including South Africa, a fellow rainbow nation. I remain confident as ever that Nigeria will be saved, Nigeria will be changed, and Nigeria will be great in my lifetime. Amen”, Pastor Bakare stated.

Read full speech by Pastor Tunde Bakare at the State of the Nation broadcast of Sunday

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