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Police arrest 4 suspects for allegedly killing 16-year-old maid in Lagos


The Police Command in Lagos, says its men at Bariga station, has arrested four persons over alleged killing of a 16-year old maid in the area.

DSP Bala Elkana, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state announced in a statement on Sunday in Lagos.


Elkana said the Police had on Saturday morning, received an information that one Shade Moke, female, aged 41, conspired with three others to allegedly kill one Halimat Sodiq, female, aged 16 over allegation of stealing.

Elkana said that the victim, who is a house help to Moke, was accused of stealing N2000 from her madam, an allegation she was said to have denied.


According to the statement, the madam allegedly invited three other persons, who tortured the girl to death.

“They allegedly buried her secretly at Atan Cemetery in Yaba Lagos, so as to conceal the murder.

“The four persons, suspected of complicity, were arrested but they denied the allegations.

“They however, admitted slapping the girl for denying that she stole the money.


“They claimed that the girl went into convulsion after drinking water and that the victim was taken to three different hospitals before she eventually died,’’ the statement read in part.

The PPRO said that the suspects also denied burying the victim, claiming that she was buried by her own parents.


“The Commissioner of Police in Lagos State, Mr Hakeem Odumosu, has ordered the immediate transfer of the case to the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Yaba for discreet investigation and diligent prosecution.

“The suspects will soon be charged to court,’’ Elkana stated.

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