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Senate rejects Buhari’s NPC nominee over certificate scandal

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Abdul Malik Mohammed Durnnguwa, a commissioner-nominee for the National Population Commission (NPC), has been rejected by the Nigerian Senate.
Durnnguwa was among the twenty-three nominees sent by President Muhammadu Buhari for confirmation as NPC commissioner.
Giving a reason why Durnnguwa was not cleared, the Senate on Thursday explained that Durnnguwa’s West African Examination Council (WAEC) certificate was questionable.
According to Senator Suleiman Hunkuyi, “ Dr Abdul Malik Mohammed Durnnguwa’s nomination was stood down due to questionable certificates.”
In his contribution, Senator Ali Ndume said: “When you have questionable certifications, it is the duty of the Committee to verify.”
Similarly, Senator Gumel Abdullahi noted that “My concern is whether he took WAEC and passed.”
President of the Nigerian Senate, Bukola Saraki thereafter referred Durnnguwa’s nomination back to the committee on National Population for further action.

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