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Palm Sunday: Cleric urges Christians to promote Christ’s virtues

Palm Sunday: Archbishop urges Christians to emulate, share Christ’s love

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Most Rev. Emmanuel Badejo, the Catholic Bishop of Oyo Diocese, has urged Christians to promote the virtues of Jesus Christ in their service to God.


Badejo, who made the call in an interview on Sunday in Ibadan, said that as Christians all the world celebrated the Palm Sunday, it was important for faithful to stand up for the teachings of Christ.

According to him, the story of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem as narrated in Matthew’s gospel should spur Christians to open their hearts to God.


“As Christians, we need to open our lives to God, promote the things that Christ did and aspire to live in holiness.

“We should show deep commitment to service, knowing that through Christ, we shall get salvation,” he said.


He said that Palm Sunday celebration should challenge Christians to take a stand for Christ, adding that believers should be consistent in their commitment to the truth.

“Palm Sunday represents dignity, beauty, well being and victory, it should never be jettisoned for sin and evil.


“It holds a lot of significance for the youth, young people must never lose hope, they must believe in their dreams,” Badejo told NAN.

The Cleric described Palm Sunday as remarkable because it marked the beginning of the Passion Week.


“This is the most holy week in Christendom, it is the week in which the key events of the history of salvation are celebrated.

“During Holy Week, the Catholic Church commemorates the institution of the priesthood, the sacraments and the Eucharist.


“The Good Friday is also celebrated during the week to commemorate the death of Christ on the cross,” he said.

Palm Sunday is celebrated around the world by Christians to mark Jesus Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

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