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Two dead as suicide bombers attack UNIMAID students’ hostel

2 female suicide bombers killed in Maiduguri

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Three male suicide bombers on Friday attacked the students’ hostel of the University of Maiduguri.

Advertisement gathers that the attack was, however, repelled by security operatives at the University.

An eye witness, who pleaded anonymity, said the suicide bombers attacked the new male hostel block (A) of the institution.


He said the attackers entered the hostel in spite of the trenches dug to fortify the security of the school.

He said two of the bombers detonated their explosives and blew up themselves.


According to him, the third one was shot down by security men while trying to flee the scene of the attack.

“The attack came at a time when students are on vacation. Only the suicide bombers were killed but they caused damage to the building,” he eye witness said.


The Public Relations Officer of the Borno Police Command, ASP Victor Isuzu, confirmed the incident.

Isuzu, however, said the command had neutralised two suicide bombers before they entered the university.


He said security men shot dead the bombers before they crossed the university’s fence.

He said the command had deployed additional personnel to beef up security at the institution.







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