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War: I’m open to negotiations to prevent WWIII – Zelensky


The president of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has mentioned that he is now ready for talks with Russia’s Vladimir Putin over the ongoing war between both countries.

Zelensky warns that if negotiations begin to fail then World War III is inevitable as the war is dragging on for too much.


“I’m ready for negotiations with him,” the President said, adding that he has been ready for the meeting for the last two years and insisted without negotiations between him and his Russian counterpart, the war will not end.

However, Zelensky said that if there is just one percent chance for the conflict to stop, both sides should grab the opportunity, adding more innocent people are being killed on a daily basis.


“But, unfortunately, our dignity is not going to preserve our lives. So, I think we have to use any format, any chance in order to have a possibility of negotiating and the possibility of talking to Putin. But if these attempts fail, that would mean that this is a third World War,” he said

Turkey has played host to the two warring nations on series of occasion for peace talks and meetings.


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About 10 million Ukrainians have fled the country to seek refuge in other European countries as a result of the war.


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