The Acting Inspector-General of Police, Olukayode Egbetokun, is currently in a crucial meeting with members of the Police Management Team at the Goodluck Jonathan Peacekeeping Hall, located in the prominent Force Headquarters in Abuja.
An address to the group of senior officers, Egbetokun emphasized the vital importance of proactive measures taken by the police force to prevent criminal activities within the nation, rather than simply reacting to them.
During the conference, the Inspector-General also made a significant promise to enhance the welfare of police officers, underscoring his unwavering dedication to fostering improved collaboration between the police force and other esteemed security agencies.
Distinguished attendees of this prestigious gathering include esteemed police officers holding the esteemed ranks of Deputy Inspectors-General of Police, Assistant Inspectors-General of Police, and Commissioners of Police, among several other distinguished guests.