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COVID-19: Gov Makinde laments shortage of reagents in Oyo


Gov. Seyi Makinde of Oyo State says the shortage of reagents is delaying the processing of COVID-19 tests.

Makinde said on Wednesday that this had caused a backlog of 300 out of 775 samples collected.


The governor revealed this via his official Twitter handle @seyiamakinde.

He apologised to those waiting for the test results and appealed to them to exercise patience while the state government ramped up efforts to source for the chemical required for the process.


“Due to a shortage of reagents required to process COVID-19 tests, we currently have a number of pending results. Of the 775 samples collected so far, 300 are awaiting results.

“We are already in the process of acquiring more reagents in the shortest possible time to enable us clear the backlog. We appeal for patience from those awaiting results.


“Meanwhile, we will continue conducting tests at the drive-through/walk-through testing centre at Adamasingba Stadium,” he tweeted.

Makinde also said that the state government was also on course to opening up testing centres in other areas for the much-needed coronavirus mass testing.


“Also, in a bid to continue ramping up testing, from next week, we will be moving to other zones in the state to conduct tests.

” Details of the schedule will be provided in due course.


“We are grateful to IHS Towers for the donation of an ambulance to the state government.

”We also thank all individuals and corporate organisations that have continued to donate in cash and kind to government’s effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” he said.


A total of 21 COVID-19 cases had been reported in the state since the first case was recorded on March 21.

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