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Lagos government set to build new airport in Lekki


The Lagos State Government has announced that it will start building a new  airport in the Lekki-Epe area of the state in order to reduce pressure on the present one.

The decision to build a new airport was made known via the official Instagram handle on Friday, adding that the project would begin in 2023.


Jubril Gawat, who is the Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu on New media, confirmed this on Friday in a series of tweets.

Quoting Ope George, Special Adviser to Sanwo-Olu on public private partnerships (PPPs), Gawat said the project is expected to begin in 2023 and would be constructed on a 3,500 hectares of land.


Gawat added that the state government, led by the governor, Babajide Sanwo-olu, had already obtained all necessary approvals from the federal government and that the new airport would be constructed on 3,500 hectares of land in the Lekki-Epe area.

Gawat noted that the architectural and aeronautical designs were ongoing adding that strategies, funding and other logistics are being looked into at the moment, saying that the project would take off completely.


He said  that the “Sanwo-Olu-led government has sought and obtained approval from the federal government for the construction of the new airport in Lagos.

“The project is expected to take off in the year 2023, it will be constructed on 3,500 hectares of land, master plan and aeronautical designs are in place; while studies are ongoing about strategies, funding and other issues, after which the project will be taken to the marketplace.


“The special adviser also stated that the airport, which is expected to cater to a minimum of five million people yearly, will be constructed in partnership with local and foreign investors.”

He also disclosed that the master plan and aeronautical designs were in place adding that studies were ongoing about strategies, funding and other issues, after which the project would be taken to the market place.

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