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Two policemen, civilian killed, five others injured in Kaduna


The Kaduna State Police Command, has confirmed the killing of two policemen and a civilian by unknown gunmen in the early hours of Wednesday in Kaduna.
The Command Public Relation Officer, DSP Yakubu Sabo, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that the policemen were on foot patrol when they were killed at about 05 25 am.
“Some unknown armed men attacked our policemen who were on foot patrol along Nnamdi Azikiwe expressway by IBBI company in Kakuri area of Kaduna.
“After a fierce gun duel, two of our men and a civilian driver were killed and five other policemen sustained gun injuries and are receiving treatment at a hospital in Kaduna,” Sabo said.
According to him, the attackers did not take away any arms as some they were forced to retreat with bullet wounds.
He disclosed that detectives have been mobilized to the area with a view to track down the fleeing killers and bring them to justice.
“The commissioner of Police, Ahmad Abdur-Rahman is saddened by the ugly incident and vowed to bring the perpetrators to book.
“The CP also sympathizes with the families of the gallant officers who laid their lives for their country and pray for the repose of their souls.”
Sabo said investigation is ongoing on the incident and that the command will update the public in due course.

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